An Astronaut Gave An Out-Of-This-World Tribute To Leonard Nimoy

                                            <b>Live long and prosper.</b>                                                           

Star Trek fans are still in mourning for Leonard Nimoy, the actor famous for his role as Spock, who died on Friday at the age of 83.

ROBYN BECK/AFP / Getty Images

The beloved sci-fi character was known by the Vulcan “live long and prosper” hand gesture.

Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection

Fans, both famous and otherwise, have been using the gesture to pay tribute to Nimoy.

In a fitting extraterrestrial tribute to the late star, NASA Astronaut Terry Virts has tweeted a picture of the Vulcan gesture from the International Space Station, looking down at Nimoy’s birthplace of Boston.

It’s enough to make even Spock a little bit emotional.

Paramount / Via

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