Vulture Michael Moore swoops in, says NRA hates freedom, wants children dead!/MMFlint/status/279646056852107265
As Twitchy reported, ghoulish media hacks and lefty celebrities have spent today descending on the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, like flies. Gun control zealot Michael Moore is among the most depraved of them all. He’s taken to Twitter to exploit the deaths of 27 innocent people for political points:

The way to honor these dead children is to demand strict gun control, free mental health care, and an end to violence as public policy.

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 14, 2012

Too soon to speak out about a gun-crazy nation? No, too late. At least THIRTY-ONE school shootings since Columbine.

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 14, 2012

19 years ago today was the FIRST Aurora gun massacre. Here’s an essay from one who lived:

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 14, 2012

Just 18 hrs ago, those Republicans in the Michigan House rammed thru a bill making it LEGAL to carry a gun into a school or day care center.

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 14, 2012

RT @marmel: Hey, @barackobama – you know all those nuts that fear you’re going to take their guns?You can take their guns now.

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 14, 2012

RT @mat: The gun lobby already hates Obama. I wish he’d give them an actual reason.

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 14, 2012

The NRA hates freedom. They don’t want you to have the freedom to send your children to school & expect them to come home alive

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 14, 2012

Get that? The NRA wants your children dead.

@mmflint Michael, you have officially body slammed the shark. Do you actually think that ANYONE wants kids to die? Seriously?

— Garrett Hall (@Garrett_R_Hall) December 14, 2012

That’s exactly what he thinks.

This morning a crazy man attacked 22 children at an elementary school- in China. But all the crazy man had was a knife. Number of dead? Zero

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 14, 2012

And that makes it OK?

RT @scribehard: @burnman @awardsdaily I never read a headline that said “Dozens of Children Dead in Hand-to-Hand Combat.” Guns. Facilita …

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 14, 2012

That attitude is incredibly dangerous. By taking the responsibility away from the individual and placing it on a gun, what kind of message does that send? How do anti-gun activists expect to stop violence when they refuse to condemn the people who commit violent acts?

@mmflint did you ever think of placing the blame on the killer?

— RobertMADP (@RobertMADP) December 14, 2012

And who does Moore think he is? Plenty of Twitterers have a damn good idea, and they’re taking him to woodshed where he belongs:

I am disgusted by those who want to get into the politics of today’s violence. Shame on Michael Moore & MSNBC

— Herman Cain (@THEHermanCain) December 14, 2012

@mmflint @zacharedimond How about we spend today allowing those who have lost, to mourn, before we turn their tragedy into a bully pulpit?

— Janice Dimond (@ipresson50) December 14, 2012

@mmflint wow, you are an idiot. Gun control is not the issue. I can buy a gallon of gas and get a book of matches and do as much damage.

— Avi (@Robert_Bryant) December 14, 2012

@mmflint now is not the time to make these comments!

— Monkey88 (@cummins8) December 14, 2012

@mmflint disgusted that you would politicize these acts of violence .. Give the families a day to grieve

— Cara Harvey (@cara_harvey) December 14, 2012

@mmflint stir the pot after a tragedy to continue to further political agenda. Its a travesty that the first reaction is blame after crisis

— Dave Fitzpatrick (@Bmored82) December 14, 2012

@mmflint they want me to be able to protect my family. If someone breaks into our house, I want a gun. You want knives and clubs banned too?

— Joe Sanders (@joesanders33) December 14, 2012

.@mmflint You are a heartless pig. Politiczing a tragedy is disgusting. Its twice as bad being this soon and when kids are involved. Asshole

— TylerKY (@TylerKY) December 14, 2012

@mmflint ok. Perfect time to play politics. Wow.

— Ryan Pascarelli (@ryanpascarelli) December 14, 2012

@mmflint While I agree, save it for later. Now is the tune to mourn the children. We can politic another day. Don’t be insensitive.

— Anthony Rokosa (@Ant_Rok) December 14, 2012

@mmflint You are such an idiot Mr. Moore…to honor these children you need to shut the hell up.

— Mark (@MRVvoort) December 14, 2012

@mmflint You are so irresponsible, that’s an asinine comment. When will you get the fact that criminals do not obey any gun laws?

— Arturo Mora (@PadCharFan4ever) December 14, 2012

@mmflint How about at least a few days, you insensitive ego maniacal bastard? Could even wait for the dead to be buried, you ghoul!

— Dref (@drefman) December 14, 2012

@mmflint Silly to say something like this…..Your logic leads to NRA doesn’t care about children. And that’s wrong.

— R. M. H.(@rena1054) December 14, 2012

@mmflint I dont really think this is the time for a political slam…

— bwking (@bwking25) December 14, 2012

That’s never stopped him before.

@mmflint the way to honor these people would be to shut up with your political agenda and let these people mourn their losses.

— John Filan (@hifi75) December 14, 2012

@mmflint Please stop making this issue about your political beliefs. This issue isn’t something for you to toy with. Have some respect.

— Bella (@bbellaaaa) December 14, 2012

@mmflint there is NO freedom without the ability to fight for it. There is no first amendment without the second amendment

— Michael Hamilton (@michaeltaketwo) December 14, 2012

Well said. Too bad Moore is incapable of rational thought.

If your 1st thought upon hearing the new today is “I can use this to advance my agenda” you’re a disgusting person. Looking at you @mmflint.

— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) December 14, 2012

We don’t know how morally bankrupt Moore is able to look at himself. Cretin.

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