These Family Photo Recreations Are The Best Things You’ll See All Day. What is Going On In #20??

No one knows exactly where it started, but the internet is now teeming with pictures of people recreating their childhood photos as adults. There’s even an entire subreddit for it. While these recreations are usually funny and make great gifts for parents (hint hint), they can also sometimes be a bit creepy. Here are 30 childhood photo recreations showing the best of both worlds.

1.) Dad still looks good in this picture.

2.) Welp, that is certainly some family togetherness.

3.) First best friend.

4.) One for the Xmas cards.

5.) Brothers and sister. Those are some hairy legs.

6.) Spaghetti is still her favorite food.

7.) I wonder if those are the same shoes in both pictures.

8.) Ok, this one is a bit too creepy.

9.) Best wallpaper ever.

10.) Still together 50 years later (with the same car).

11.) Meeting Hulk Hogan again.

12.) They recreated their facial expressions perfectly.

13.) “Am I holding the baby the right way?”

14.) Kinda hard to recreate the Berlin Wall in your photos these days.

15.) Still on that kid diet of burgers and pizza.

16.) So close.

17.) Father and son 60 years apart.

18.) Looking fabulous at any age.

19.) “I got sand in my mouth again!”

20.) Still a badass.

21.) Umm what?

22.) BFFs over here.

23.) Getting comfy in the kitchen.

24.) Family truck photo.

25.) They even got the hand placement just right.

26.) It’s a little less charming as an adult.

27.) How did they fit into those buckets again?

28.) Dad is the calm center of the universe.

29.) “Check out these biceps bro.”

30.) Probably my favorite.

H/T: BoredPanda I think it’s time to get my siblings together for some recreations of our own. Share these photos by clicking below.

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As Soon As You See These 27 Pictures, Your Day Will Be Made. Guaranteed.

We all have a bad day every once in a while. Maybe it’s raining where you are and your boss is breathing down your neck. You have a deadline you need to meet and you stress out about it. Coffee isn’t doing its thing when you need your pick-me-up. You need something else to make your day better.

Let me provide that for you. Look at these pictures and you’ll have the strength to carry on, because they will seriously make your day.

1.) I’d give her treats all the time.

2.) She married her cat!

3.) They are clones!

4.) That’s so cute.

5.) A goodbye salutation.

6.) I hope you left it like that. She worked hard on it.

7.) Classic gentleman.

8.) It has meaning to both of them.

9.) Best uncle forever.

10.) They fought over her.

11.) Corgi.

12.) They know he has wisdom.

13.) Now it’s worth a million dollars.

14.) How could you teach organic chemistry for 54 years?

15.) Poor puppy.

16.) Family.

17.) Surf’s up!

18.) It’s a good game.

19.) Cats are not dogs.

20.) I hope she kept the receipt.

21.) Then he turned into a werewolf.

22.) At least she owned up to it.

23.) Middle school sweethearts.

24.) Frightening.

25.) We all have to overcome addictions somehow.

26.) Well-guarded sheep.

27.) That’s amazing.

 D’aww. These are all so cute. My day is so much better. Now I don’t think I’ll be sweating that report as much.

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This Women Turned Her Mirror Into A Playground Of Imagination And It’s Too Impressive For Words.

Selfies. We’ve all seen them and, for better or for worse, we’ve all taken them. Regardless of how you feel about them, there’s no doubting that they’re here to stay. Especially when Instagram users like @mirrorsme are using their talent to help the selfie evolve from peace signs and duck faces into more impressive works (that have nothing to do with yoga pants). Although she says they take less than 30 minutes to make, @mirrorsme’s selfies are oozing with skill and effort. If these aren’t worth a like on Instagram, nothing is. Check them out!

1.) Cupcake

2.) Aladdin

3.) Magician

4.) Mario

5.) Brushing

6.) Kisses

7.) Lifting

8.) Seagulls

9.) Handshake

10.) Archery

11.) Bedtime

12.) Crying

13.) Thug Life

14.) Burger-o-vision

15.) Breaking Bad

16.) Hammer Time

17.) Ladder

18.) Princess

19.) Pippi Longstocking

20.) The Dark Knight

21.) Eye Spy

22.) Flowers

23.) Helicopter

(H/T bored panda) Want to take selfies like @mirrorsme? You’ll need chalk markers, paint pens, and a lot of talent. Not to mention, a roommate who’s okay with you hogging the bathroom every morning. Share these creative selfies using the button below.

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