80 US airstrikes hit Afghanistan in October; Drone war rolls on

November 2, 2015 by Jack Serle

On October 3 a US airstrike destroyed MSF’s hospital in Kunduz, northern Afghanistan (Photo: Victor Blue/MSF)
Scores of US air and drone strikes hit Afghanistan in October as the country’s military and police continued struggling to control the resur… http://www.thecherrycreeknews.com/80-us-airstrikes-hit-afghanistan-october-drone-war-rolls/ #AirForceSpecialOperationsCommand, #CentralIntelligenceAgency, #CounterterrorismCenter, #DroneAttacksInPakistan, #LockheedAC130, #UnmannedAerialVehicle

Homeland Security shuts down anonymous internet browsing at public library #Snowden

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Official Signature – Alternate Websafe Colors (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
First Library to Support Anonymous Internet Browsing Effort Stops After DHS Email
by Julia Angwin ProPublica, Sep. 10, 2015, 11:20 a.m.
Since Edward Snowden exposed the extent of… http://www.thecherrycreeknews.com/homeland-security-shuts-down-anonymous-internet-browsing-at-public-library-snowden/ #AmericanCivilLibertiesUnion, #CentralIntelligenceAgency, #DrugEnforcementAdministration, #EdwardSnowden, #FederalBureauOfInvestigation, #InternetPrivacy, #NationalSecurityAgency, #Privacy, #SearchWarrant, #UnitedStates, #UnitedStatesDepartmentOfHomelandSecurity, #UnitedStatesDepartmentOfJustice