New George Michael song to be based on his near-death experience!/GeorgeMichael/status/187462141786324992

And how grateful I am to be given another chance to live and breathe alongside you all in this wonderful world that we share…

— George Michael (@GeorgeMichael) April 4, 2012

You may recall my reference to those strange individuals who took the time to pray for my death as I lay in my hospital bed back in November

— George Michael (@GeorgeMichael) April 4, 2012

But don't think I don't realise how many of you out there prayed for my recovery. I thank you all from the deepest part of my soul xxx

— George Michael (@GeorgeMichael) April 4, 2012

And i will repay your unending kindness the only way I know how. With music.

— George Michael (@GeorgeMichael) April 4, 2012

Yesterday I began to write a song called "White Light". It's for all of you, for everyone who prayed for me, for every one of you who has ..

— George Michael (@GeorgeMichael) April 4, 2012

…prayed for me, for every person who has stopped me in the streets to ask me how I'm doing, you have made me feel so blessed.

— George Michael (@GeorgeMichael) April 4, 2012

And I promise you it's a blinder. 🙂

— George Michael (@GeorgeMichael) April 4, 2012

Michael was admitted to a Vienna hospital last November for treatment of severe pneumonia.

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Loretta Lynch: Undocumented Immigrants Could Still Face Deportation Under Obama’s Executive Action

                                            <b>&ldquo;I didn&rsquo;t see anything in the opinion that prevented action being take [against] individuals who might otherwise qualify&rdquo; for deferred deportation, Lynch says.</b>                                                            

WASHINGTON — Undocumented immigrants covered by President Obama’s executive actions delaying deportation could still find themselves targeted by the federal government, attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch said in her confirmation hearing Wednesday.

Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Lynch, who is a federal prosecutor in New York, said that while she believes the Department of Justice has provided adequate legal justification for Obama’s executive actions, she made clear it does not legally bind her hands.

“As a prosecutor I always want the ability to still take some sort of action against those who may not be in my initial category as the most serious threat. And I didn’t see anything in the opinion that prevented action being take [against] individuals who might otherwise qualify for the deferral,” Lynch said.

Under Obama’s executive actions, most undocumented immigrants who have lived in the United States for an extended period of time and who are not violent criminals or felons can apply for a deferment of deportation. Those covered could then work legally in the United States.

Many people residing in the United States without proper documents are already leery of government — for instance, many undocumented immigrants don’t report crimes against them out of fear of being deported. If undocumented immigrants believe DOJ and the Department of Homeland Security could decide to come after them in the future even if they qualify for the deferment program, it could make them less likely to apply.

Although Lynch spent much of the morning session, which is expected to last into the late afternoon or evening Wednesday, sidestepping specific pronouncements, Lynch did bluntly declare that waterboarding is torture “and thus illegal.”

Significantly, Lynch also argued the “right” to work “is a right shared by everyone here in this country regardless of how they got here,” though she was careful to not declare it a civil or human right.

Additionally, asked about the Obama administration’s policy on marijuana legalization, Lynch said, “It is still the policy of the administration … to continue enforcing marijuana laws, particularly in respect to money laundering.”

Lynch also said that if a state considering legalization came to DOJ for advice, she would warn them that, “federal laws will still be enforced.”

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10 Confessions That Show Just How Heartbreaking Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Can Be

Approximately two percent of people over the age of 18 in the United States suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

And we all have that one picky friend who constantly says they have OCD because they can’t mix green M&Ms with red ones or handle the thought of peas touching mashed potatoes on their plate. What real sufferers deal with, however, has nothing to do with an odd desire to eat red M&Ms first, although strict organization can certainly be one of many crushing symptoms.

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); });

The fact of the matter is that your friend would be able to go about their day if they accidentally ate a green candy first. People dealing with OCD do not have the luxury of messing up a ritual and moving on.

News of a teenager named Alicia Falconer recently broke on Metro’s website. The young woman, who struggles with OCD, feels compelled to tap on surfaces 100 times to ensure that her family stays alive.

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Although that might sound bizarre to most of us, the fact of the matter is that these fears are very real to people dealing with the condition.

In many cases, people struggling with OCD find themselves confined to their homes because their compulsions and rituals take over their lives. You can imagine the emotional and psychological toll that would take on a person. To better understand what it feels like to be trapped by such a serious mental illness, take a look at these real-life confessions.

1. “Someone who I admired and respected passed away some years ago, and I feel like it’s my fault. We never met, and I didn’t know them personally at all.”


(via Reddit / ComputerLoadUpCelery)

“I keep thinking that through my actions, like buying tomato soup instead of spinach soup on a certain day or whatever trivial nonsense, I caused his demise.”

2. “I started to think I was going to veer off the road and hit some pedestrian, so for about a year, driving got really tedious. A trip that normally took me about 20 minutes started to take me around an hour because of the constant checking and re-checking.”


(via Reddit / otherdudename)

While he was out driving one day, the Redditor used everything in his power to pass a woman on the sidewalk without circling back to check on her. When he got home, he was consumed by guilt. In his words, “I had put it out of my mind for months until one day it hit me. ‘What if I’d hit that woman? What if she was dead and I did it?’ Ever since then, this has been haunting me. The guilt I feel gets really bad sometimes. I know in my head I didn’t actually hit someone, but since I can’t prove it, the guilt remains.”

3. “I generally refuse to discuss my obsessions in depth because of concern that they are somehow contagious.”


(viaReddit / panrestrial)

“I worry that the things I obsess over are things that would disturb anyone who really thought about them, and I can’t bear the idea of anyone else feeling this way so I can’t discuss them for fear I’ll pass them on. Are any of you worried that if you talk in too much detail about your obsessions that listeners will become similarly obsessed?”

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCI1_BTF’); });

4. “Nobody really understands. To be in this cage you can’t break free from. The misery. The things you get used to that would appall normal people.”


(via Reddit / TurnTheValve)

“I can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t rest my arms on anything, and can’t sit down. I have to wait hours before I can sit down and longer before I can sleep. I’m depressed, dizzy, thirsty, and my body hurts. Once I go to sleep, I know that I’ll just wake up and do it all over again. I need out so badly.”

5. “I’ve recently had this awareness of swallowing due to a recent post-nasal drip and I can’t get rid of it. The more I think about it, the more saliva my body produces, the more times I swallow.”


(via Reddit / daszeus1)

“It bothers me when I’m trying to sleep or when I wake up in the middle of the night, and sometimes I can’t go back to sleep due to the constant need to swallow. It causes me insomnia.”

6. “I’ve been having a problem as of late where I get stuck having an argument with myself in my head. That argument just repeats over and over and I can’t make it stop.”


(via Reddit / Vethar)

“It’s an absolutely terrible feeling. I don’t know what to do about it. I’ve always had to deal with intrusive thoughts and obsessing over particular things, but this is some next-level stuff.”

7. “I have a big fear of schizophrenia and demonic possession, so I have this image of some human guy in my head and I constantly try to push it away and then accept it. Then a thought will say it’s a demon.”


(via Reddit / SugarPupPups)

“So tired of all these intrusive thoughts of demonic possession. So tired of it. It’s so tiring trying to deal with all this. I’m stressed out.”

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCI2_BTF’); });

8. “I have developed some fears about whether or not I’m losing my cognitive abilities, and as a result of that, I constantly check my intelligence by doing some incredible logic-based gymnastics in order to reassure myself that I’m not becoming stupid or worse, going crazy.”


(via Reddit / Sirearthure)

“If I had to sum up this phenomenon in few words, I would say it’s some sort of fear of not understanding something. Because in my poor mind, I automatically associate this fear with stupidity, and stupidity means losing myself as a human being and facing rejection from others.”

9. “I count everything and add, multiply, and subtract until I get nine. Digital numbers, sides of things, everything.”


(via Reddit / Ziasauruswrecks)

“Examples: It is currently 8:25 p.m. 8+2+5=15. 1+5=6. 6+3=9. Those arrows painted on the road…seven sides plus two equals nine. Stop sign, eight sides plus one equals nine. TV, four sides plus four outer edges, sometimes four more edges, equals 12. 1+2=3. 3 x 3=9. I do it all the damn time. It drives me absolutely crazy.”

10. “Since the third grade, I have had an irrational fear that I’m being watched or spied on with cameras.”


(via Reddit / Disirai)

I’m 28 now and still have a fear of cameras watching me. Dressing rooms, public bathrooms, the rental house I’m living in. What if the landlords installed cameras?”

If you or someone you know is struggling with OCD, please reach out. Click here for more details about how you can find the support you and your loved ones need.

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I Wish I Could Be As Happy As This Pig

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Priorities! Obama weighs in on NFL refs fiasco; Update: #ObamaTweets!/BarackObama/status/250654354623840256
Absurd! President Obama is now patting self on back over the NFL refs controversy. As Twitchy reported, some Twitter users were absurdly begging the president to “fix” the NFL refs fiasco.  This Twitter user actually was prescient!

So how long before we get the @BarackObama statement that the @NFL refs acted stupidly ? Because anything #Obama says fixes everything.

— Marc T Grove (@mtgrove) September 25, 2012

And, of course, he weighed in.

NFL fans on both sides of the aisle hope the refs' lockout is settled soon. -bo

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) September 25, 2012

Personally. Because, super important.

Hey @BarackObama, here's an idea: less tweeting about football refs, more attending intelligence briefings. – ke

— Kevin Eder (@keder) September 25, 2012

Twice. The second time as a way to glorify himself. Priorities!

The mocking rightfully begins.

It's a game, we'd prefer you gone. #Caring RT @BarackObama NFL fans on both sides of the aisle hope the refs' lockout is settled soon. -bo

— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) September 25, 2012

The president has officially weighed in RT @BarackObama: NFL fans on both sides of the aisle hope the refs' lockout is settled soon. -bo

— JakeWhittenberg (@jakewhittenberg) September 25, 2012

Last week? While our embassies burned? RT @BarackObama President Obama last week "Is it just me or do we have to get our regular refs back?"

— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) September 25, 2012

Thank you Mr President for your bold stand RT @BarackObama: NFL fans on both sides of the aisle hope the refs' lockout is settled soon. -bo

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) September 25, 2012

Dude, do some work or something. RT @BarackObama: President Obama last week: "Is it just me or do we have to get our regular refs back?"

— Heather (@hmfearny) September 25, 2012

No time for Netanyahu but ==> MT"@barackobama last week: "Is it just me or do we have to get our regular refs back?""

— GOP Fashionista (@gopfashionista) September 25, 2012

Focused like a laser on jobs! #Fail MT @BarackObama President Obama last week: "Is it just me or do we have to get our regular refs back?"

— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) September 25, 2012

Plan on having a team by team apology tour? "@BarackObama: NFL fans on both sides of the aisle hope the refs' lockout is settled soon. -bo"

— Dana Watts (@dwatts26726) September 25, 2012

Also last week: "murder caused by video" MT @BarackObama Pres Obama last week: "Is it just me or do we have to get our regular refs back?"

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 25, 2012

13 million wish they could go back to work! RT @BarackObama: NFL fans on both sides of the aisle hope the refs' lockout is settled soon. -bo

— Rep. Tim Griffin (@RepTimGriffin) September 25, 2012

Laser-like focus. On himself.

And the mocking continues in hashtag form! What else will ‘bo’ personally tweet about?

Don't hate me because I'm awesome eye candy 😉 #ObamaTweets

— Jackie Wellfonder (@Wellfonder) September 25, 2012

Were you planning on buying NFL Season Tickets? Make a donation to our campaign instead! -bo #ObamaTweets

— Jeff (@MooseOfReason) September 25, 2012

#obamatweets RT @elisefoley: Girl Scout cookies are really good. -bo

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) September 25, 2012

Everyone agrees the Titanic should have swerved to the left. -bo #ObamaTweets

— RB (@RBPundit) September 25, 2012

What crisis? America wants to hear about football! #ObamaTweets

— Jackie Wellfonder (@Wellfonder) September 25, 2012

Netanyawho? #ObamaTweets

— Seth (@dcseth) September 25, 2012

I make gutsy calls. – bo #ObamaTweets

— Jason B. Whitman (@JasonBWhitman) September 25, 2012

"The White House was built on roads and near a bridge."-bo #ObamaTweets

— Demetrius Minor (@dminor85) September 25, 2012

"One More Night" is on three radio stations. At the same time. -bo #ObamaTweets

— Sam Birnbach (@sambirnbach) September 25, 2012

I've decided. My favorite nickname is President Gusty Call – bo #ObamaTweets

— Kimberly C (@conkc2) September 25, 2012

Many people on both sides of the aisle enjoy the fall weather. – bo #ObamaTweets

— Kimberly C (@conkc2) September 25, 2012

Whoopi is my BFF -bo #ObamaTweets

— Lisa Scherr (@BBUMH) September 25, 2012

French Fries Rock -bo #ObamaTweets

— Milkshakes Anytime (@MomMilkshake) September 25, 2012

Heh. That he does.

More please, Twitter!

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Girl: Deeper…

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‘BURN!’ Is this zinger from Secret Service hearing the ‘quote of the day’?!/erykahjpuen/status/516985274178764800
No, seriously. Take a look at this quote from Rep. Lynch during Tuesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing with Secret Service director Julia Pierson about the deranged man breaking into the White House.

Rep. Lynch (D-MA) quite possibly has the quote of the day from the Secret Service hearing.

— Tamara Keith (@tamarakeithNPR) September 30, 2014

That’s gotta smart!

Ouch “@tamarakeithNPR: Rep. Lynch (D-MA) quite possibly has the quote of the day from the Secret Service hearing.

— Ben Deda (@Ben_Deda) September 30, 2014

BURN “@tamarakeithNPR: Rep. Lynch (D-MA) quite possibly has the quote of the day from the Secret Service hearing.

— Kristina Puerto (@KLPuerto) September 30, 2014

@tamarakeithNPR @nprpolitics I wish they would fix the problem as eagerly as the fix blame

— rosie walker (@animaltalker_8) September 30, 2014


@tamarakeithNPR @carlquintanilla That is a great quote!

— Steve Hellem (@Navista7) September 30, 2014

It really is.


‘Third world competent’: Secret Service surprised by man with gun in elevator with president

‘Ever heard of these guys?’ Rep. John Mica has some advice for Secret Service [photo]

‘You got to go, lady’: Time for bumbling Secret Service director to hit the road?

What? No way! Guess what Secret Service blames for WH fence jumper foul-up

Is this why the Secret Service screwed up handling that WH fence jumper?

Secret’s out! US Secret Service needs refresher course in protecting WH

‘Story of the night’: A gunman shot the White House 7 times and the Secret Service didn’t know about it

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Facebook Will Now Reach Out To Users Who Their Friends Think Are Suicidal

                                            <b>&ldquo;Social connectedness helps people,&rdquo; says Facebook, &ldquo;and that&rsquo;s what we do best.&rdquo;</b>                                                          

If a Facebook user posts a worrying status, that person’s friends can now report the post and try to get them help.

Facebook will then give them the option to contact the friend, contact another friend for support, or contact a suicide hotline.

The new feature began yesterday.

Dado Ruvic / Reuters

The social network teamed up with a number of suicide prevention organizations and research centers in hopes of helping people online prevent their friends from committing suicide.

These organizations include National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Now Matters Now,, and Forefront: Innovations in Suicide Prevention from the School of Social Work at Washington University.

Facebook has a special team who will look at reported posts and, if they deem it necessary, contact the person who posted it with this pop-up:

Next, the person will be given these options:

If they select “talk to someone,” they will be given the options to call NSPL, or chat with a helper online.

If they select “Get tips and support,” they will be shown a video of someone who contemplated or attempted suicide and overcame it:

Then they will be given advice on some things that might help them get through a hard time:

Finally, they will be given a few more ways to seek help.

“Many of us don’t know what to do when a friend makes comments [expressing suffering or resignation] on social media. Facebook wants to change that,” the organization Forefront said in the video on the new feature.

Video available at:

“One of the first things that Forefront taught us is that social connectedness helps people more than anything else,” says Facebook’s product manager Rob Boyle in the video, “and that’s what we do best.”

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Community Post: Ranking The Seasons Of “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” From Worst To Best

                                            <b>See who lands on top</b>. Warning: Spoilers abound.                                                          

1. Season 7

The WB

Pros: Spike with a soul is a joy to watch (and not only because James Marsters was arguably at his most gorgeous here). His struggle highlights the fine line between sanity and madness and also touches on the shock of change and depression. Marsters is probably the finest actor of the season. Xander hits full maturity and becomes the true hero we all knew he could be. Andrew Wells makes for some pretty quotable one-liners (“Where have you been? This funnel cake is kicking my ass!”). And finally, we got one of the greatest, most moving series finales in television history. Ladies, we know we have the power.
Cons: With the exception of two or three actors, everyone felt very bored and tired. It’s understandable, especially from Sarah Michelle Gellar’s point of view, but it still hurts to watch a show that used to be filled with such joie de vie fade out like that. Plus, “The Killer in Me” and “Him” were actual episodes.
Best Episode: “Chosen” (7×22)

2. Season 1

The WB

Pros: Lots of fans are really down on Season 1 and often call it the worst season, but it’s really not that bad. Buffy and her new friends tackle vampires and demons alike, but the stories are representative of things much greater than fantasy adventure. By episode three, we’re deep into mentally abusive parent-child relationships, and by the season finale, Buffy performs her first Christ-like sacrifice to save the world. It’s a solid foundation for the series to come and contains great bits of clever writing. Plus, Buffy’s dress in “Prophecy Girl” is legendary.
Cons: The makeup for the demons is pretty bad, and the soundtrack is the musical equivalent of Velveeta macaroni. The quality of the film is worse than even season two, which premiered only a few months after this season ended. “I Robot, You Jane” was an allegory for Internet safety so obvious, it may as well have been a public service announcement.
Best Episode: “Prophecy Girl” (1×12)

3. Season 4

The WB

Pros: Buffy’s in college! This transition was handled realistically – well, as realistically as a show about slaying vampires could be. The drift among the Scoobies was written and performed so naturally, it feels like you’re drifting right along with them. That’s how it happens in real life, too, isn’t it? This is also the first season in which Spike is added to the main cast, and his sudden inability to harm people is one of the show’s best bits. Willow and Tara got together this season in the first female-female romance of network TV, which is still a colossal deal in television history. This was also the only season where the writing was nominated for an Emmy. Cool stuff!
Cons: The way Buffy acted around her new boyfriend, Riley Finn, felt a little hollow and un-Buffy. Seth Green’s Oz departed from a show in a terrible cheating scandal. The overall arc of the Initiative and Franken-esque Adam was a little weak and underdeveloped. Of course, the reason behind this was probably because no one wanted to apply that much makeup to the guy… or look at the finished product for very long.
Best Episode: “Hush” (4×10, the series’ landmark silent episode), but “Restless” (4×22) is an honorable mention.

4. Season 6

The WB

Pros: THERE WAS A MUSICAL EPISODE. Better, there was a musical episode that actually tied in with the themes and character hardships and strengthened the sentiment that where words fail, music speaks. Also, the stages of grief and depression that Buffy went through were written poetically and portrayed beautifully by Gellar. The theme of addiction was addressed in Willow using too much magic, which is probably the best and most honest performance Alyson Hannigan gave on Buffy. The fact that Willow turned out to be the Big Bad of the season was shocking yet natural, and it’s still in the top ten most heartbreaking moments on the show to me. Spike and Buffy made for some pretty hot stuff. And the overarching theme that sometimes, the scariest demons are inside you was handled in a way that felt real, not cheesy or forced. Applause, applause!
Cons: TARA DIED. Worse, she got shot by Warren Mears, a villain more horrible than Caleb the preacher (Nathan Fillion) from Season 7. She died, and nobody really reacted to her death except for Willow and Dawn, which was a rude testament to the lovely character. Spike tried to rape Buffy in the same episode that TARA DIED. Xander left Anya at the altar when that seemed like the last thing he would ever do. Honestly, Season 6, it’s just depressing.
Best Episode: “Once More with Feeling” (6×07)

5. Season 3

The WB

Pros: Enter Faith, dark Slayer and one of the best examples of character foil I’ve ever encountered. Eliza Dushku has to be one of the best actors the show ever had because when you hate Faith, your blood boils, and when you love Faith, your heart swells. That’s performance, baby. This season featured Mayor Richard Wilkins, the coolest and perhaps funniest villain of the seven seasons. It was also the culmination of the show’s main message: High school is hell. The show was starting to explore more mature themes while also staying in touch with its light, funny reputation, and it was executed well.
Cons: Does anyone remember “Bad Girls”? The episode where Buffy embraced her darker side, and she had to try and defeat McDonald’s… I mean, that really fat demon in a Jacuzzi? Yeah, that’s probably season three’s weakest point. That, and Xander and Cordelia broke up when they could have been a Lily Evans and James Potter-type romance. RIP, Xandelia. It’s 2014, and I still have strong feelings about this pairing.
Best Episode: “The Wish” (3×09), but “The Zeppo” (3×13) and “Doppelgangland” (3×16) come very close.

6. Season 2

The WB

Pros: Although not the first season, season two of Buffy was where it all really began. The Scoobies became stronger friends and better fighters of evil. Romances heat up when Willow met taciturn musician/werewolf Oz and Xander and Cordelia finally gave into their sexual tension. Giles fell in love with technopagan Jenny Calendar (RIP). Plus, this was when we were introduced to Spike, who would eventually make the show the legend it is today. The dialogue is on point this season. It’s both witty and emotional, with just as many Buffyspeak quips as truly heartfelt moments (Let’s talk about Whistler’s speech at the end of “Becoming, Pt. 1”, for instance.). The overall plot of the season about Buffy sleeping with Angel and consequently losing his soul is both terrifying and a hyper-realistic portrayal of accuracy. Seeing Angel turn to Angelus is scary, but it’s also kind of fun – props to David Boreanaz in this character.
Cons: Because it was the second season and many things were still rough, there were some filler episodes where essentially nothing happened. “Killed by Death”… Buffy gets sick and can only fight while sick. Counterproductive! “Reptile Boy”… Buffy and Cordelia get taken advantage of by a bunch of fraternity boys when they should have been able to tell they were bad news by their frosted tips. I would say “Go Fish”, but at least that was kind of about how attractive Nicholas Brendon is/how well he can pull off a Speedo. Amen.
Best Episode: “Becoming, Pts. 1 & 2”

7. Season 5

The WB

Pros: All of it. Primarily the writing. Season five was the season Joss Whedon and Co. was meant to write. While not my personal favorite season, I can still argue that season five is the most finely crafted year of Buffy that ever was. Everything on the show led up to this season. Let’s zero in on the foreshadowing, shall we? In season three, Faith says to Buffy in a dream, “Little Miss Muffet counting down from 730.” In 730 days, Buffy would willingly give her life to save her sister, Dawn (who in 5×02 is referred to as “curds and whey”). In a season four dream, Faith and Buffy make a bed for “little sis” and in another dream, Tara carefully remarks, “Be back before dawn.” The scrutiny and the detail of this are insane. If anyone tries to tell you that Buffy was just a silly action show, point out these careful details and how well they actually played out. Additionally, season five gave us “The Body”, which according to some critics might be the finest hour in television history (and yet neither Whedon or Gellar received even nominations for their brilliant work). Bravo, Buffy season five. Your writing and acting are phenomenal, bordering on flawless.
Cons: Very few, but it was a little difficult at first to accept the Dawn thing. It was that shocking. Once the show made it clear, it was all too easy to hop on board with little Summers. Also, the fact that Riley turned out to have a vampire bite fetish was, for lack of a better term, really gross. And Xander’s hair. It just seemed mean to wear it that way.
Best Episode: Since “The Body” (5×16) is TV’s finest, it’s “The Gift” (5×22).

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Multiple states declare state of emergency following violent storms!/JohnKasich/status/219179731147423745
Virginia, Ohio, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C. have all declared a state of emergency after last night’s violent storms, and millions are without power.

WashPost: Virginia, West Virginia and Ohio, declare state of emergency resulting in at least 9 deaths & leaving millions without power.

— (@ezstreet) June 30, 2012

DC, MD, & VA just declared a state of emergency. Sh*t just got real!

— Soda Popinski (@Hova1914) June 30, 2012

Great … Cell towers are intermittent – no power – 100F weather and the governor just declares a state of emergency.

— Slate (@Slate004) June 30, 2012

Baltimore is officially in a state of emergency, according to the mayor. AND they're estimating it could take 5-7 days to restore power.

— Paris Bienert (@ParisBienert) June 30, 2012

get gas while you can! all stations in WV closing to conserve due to state of emergency.

— Darrian Duckworth (@duckduckdarrian) June 30, 2012

The governor has declared a state of emergency in Ohio, damn #TheStruggle

— Euphorian Nirvana (@Thazex) June 30, 2012

Due to all the storms that came thru last night Virginia has been declared a State of Emergency. Stay safe everyone!!

— Delilah Raines (@Delilah_Raines) June 30, 2012

The estimated time for power restoration is varying from state to state.

Ohio: We estimate approx. 95% of outages will be restored by late Mon. night, the rest by late Tues. We are continually restoring power. ^LH

— Duke Energy Storm (@DukeEnergyStorm) June 30, 2012

BREAKING: #VA Gov. Bob McDonnell declares a state of emergency. "This is the largest non-hurricane power outage in Virginia history."

— WTOP (@WTOP) June 30, 2012

300,000 people without power in WV–AEP says no estimate on when it wil be back on–Yikes

— Keith Morehouse (@KeithMorehouse) June 30, 2012

To my DC friends: Think of the power outage not as an annoyance but as a tax.

— Garrett Quinn (@GarrettQuinn) June 30, 2012

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